Asean Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve
The surging number of COVID-19 infections in Myanmar has caused a concern on food insecurity in the country. The APTERR, therefore, has released 600 MT of rice contributed by the Government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) through the prepositioned stockpiled rice system under Tier 3, for providing immediate rice assistance to those affected by impacts of COVID-19; mostly quarantined people and patient under investigation (PUI), in 10 states and regions in Myanmar.
Being able to promote environmental sustainability at the same time with providing rice assistance to disaster-affected people is considered as enormous benefits for both member countries and the APTERR activities. The APTERR Secretariat, therefore, enthusiastically supports the Republic of Korea (ROK)’s Upcycled Project’ implemented in Myanmar.
On 26 October 2020, the ceremonial turnover of Japan’s 450-MT contribution to mitigate people’s suffering from the Taal volcano eruption was organised by the National Food Authority (NFA) under the supervision of Administrator Atty. Judy Carol L. Dansal at NFA-Batangas Field Office in Batangas City, the Philippines.
A total of 1,350 MT of APTERR’s stockpile emergency rice reserves under the generous contributions from Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) have been released through the Tier 3 programme to relieve the sufferings of 122,920 people, especially the vulnerable groups, due to severe impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Myanmar.
This day, 7 October 2020, marks a day of remembrance of APTERR mechanism as we celebrate our 9th anniversary of APTERR establishment to be a permanent mechanism for strengthening food security, poverty alleviation, and malnourishment eradication, along with overall improving quality of people’s lives throughout the ASEAN Plus Three Region.
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