ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve
On 5 September 2018, General Manager of the APTERR Secretariat Mr. Chanpithya Shimphalee together with Japanese expert Mr. Toshiharu Toeda and Head of Implementation sub-division Ms. Jansinee Kankaew, attended the ceremonial distribution of 52.50 MT rice contributed by Japan to support people affected by heavy monsoon floods in Tanintharyi region.
The APTERR Secretariat provided 72-MT rice contributed by the Republic of Korea (ROK) through the Tier 3 programme to support the poor in Siem Reap and Kampong Cham provinces, Cambodia in fighting poverty.
The APERR Secretariat provided 86-MT rice assistance contributed by Japan to help 52,756 people affected by catastrophic floods and landslides in Kayin and Mon states of Myanmar.
On 23 July 2018, General Manager of the APTERR Secretariat Mr. Chanpithya Shimphalee attended the rice distribution to the poor in Magway Region of Myanmar. The event was held by the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation led by Deputy Director General Mr. Aye Ko Ko. Representative of Public Parliament of Mindone Township as well as the representatives from local government agencies also attended this significant event.
The APTERR field trip on Thai Farmers’ Way of Life was held on 20 June 2018 at the Lifestyle and Spirit of Thai Farmers Learning Centre in Suphanburi Province, Thailand. This trip aimed at providing staff member knowledge and expertise on Thai farmers’ way of life as well as production and quality improvement processes of rice seeds in Thailand which are crucial for development of agriculture and food security.
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