ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve
The APTERR Secretariat had an opportunity to welcome an official visit from research fellows from Chiba University of Japan. The project led by Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi, Professor of Graduate School of Horticulture, was funded by Japan Society for the Promotion and Science to conduct the research on “Trade creation and diversion in the AEC under the Noodle Bowl Phenomenon”.
The APTERR Secretariat participated the roundtable meeting on the Tier 3 programme and visited the disaster-prone areas as well as the warehouses in Iloilo, the Philippines. The meeting was hosted by the National Food Authority (NFA) of the Philippines and presided by NFA’s Deputy Administrator for Marketing Operations Attorney Judy Carol L. Dansal. The representatives from the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines also attended in this roundtable meeting.
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