As the current contract agreement of the General Manager of the APTERR Secretariat is set to be finished in May 2019, he has expressed his intention to extend for another term of service as demonstrated in the Rules and Procedures of the APTERR Secretariat. Thus, the final performance appraisal of the General Manager of the APTERR Secretariat was conducted on 10 January 2019 at the APTERR Secretariat office in Bangkok, Thailand.
The performance appraisal was conducted by the ad-hoc committee compring of the presiding co-chair of the APTERR Council and the host country of the Secretariat. The ad-hoc committee for 2019 are the representatives from Malaysia, Japan and Thailand respectively.
The ad-hoc meeting was chaired by Mr. Shamsul Akbar Bin Sulaiman, Deputy Under Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry of Malaysia. The occasion was also attended by Mr. Takashi Amo, Director General of Crop Production Bureau of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, and Ms. Jariya Sutthichaiya, Secretary General of the Office of Agricultural Economics of Thailand.
The meeting was conducted successfully as per instructed by a number of Rules and Regulations of the APTERR. The result of the appraisal will be presented to the APTERR Council at the upcoming APTERR Council Meeting in Malaysia. The decision on the contract renewal will be based on the consensus of the APTERR Council.