The APTERR team led by Dr. Choomjet Karnjanakesorn, General Manager, together with Mr. Toshiki Tojo, Japanese Expert, visited the Office of the National Water Resources (ONWR) under the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand on 25 July 2022 to introduce APTERR’s activities, and build possible cooperation and collaboration with the ONWR represented as the Thai National Mekong Committee Secretariat (TNMCS), the focal point of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) in Thailand.
In this regard, the APTERR Secretariat received the comprehensive information on the roles of Thailand as one of the MRC members in sustainable development of the Mekong River Basin through various key areas including food security and natural disaster management from Mr. Chumlarp Tejasen, Director of Foreign Affairs Division and his team. At the same time, the operations of the APTERR in strengthening food security in the ASEAN Plus Three region were fruitfully discussed and appreciated by the TNMCS representatives as well.