Following severe monsoonal rains and devastating Super Typhoon Yagi, Korea’s 246.28-MT rice contributed under Tier 3 programme was distributed to affected peoples in Taikkyi township, Yangon Region, Myanmar to alleviate hardships caused by the catastrophic natural disasters.
The APTERR Secretariat led by Dr. Choomjet Karnjanakesorn, General Manager (GM) of the APTERR Secretariat, witnessed the distribution of rice held in Taikkyi township of Yangon region on 19 November 2024. During the event, Dr. Karnjanakesorn emphasized the significance of collective cooperation among the Myanmar government, particularly the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation as well as local government, the Korea government and the APTERR. He highlighted that such collaboration was significant for ensuring food security and strengthening resilience in Myanmar.
The APTERR Secretariat together with the DOA has been tirelessly working to ensure that the rice relief reached those in needed effectively and transparently.
This 246.28-MT rice relief is part of Korea’s 750-mt contribution under Tier 3, aimed at reducing the hardships of those affected by monsoonal floods and impacts of Super Typhoon Yagi-one of the most powerful storms to hit the region this year. Other rice allocations were carried out in Bago and Ayeyarwady.