ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve 

General Manager Dr. Choomjet Karnjanakesorn of the APTERR Secretariat accompanied with Japanese Expert Mr. Akinori Ando and the APTERR staff visited the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM) of Malaysia on 10 June 2024 to bolster cooperation and explore a potential collaboration with Malaysia on the APTERR Tier 3 programme.


The meeting, hosted at the Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) of the KPKM, was marked by a warm reception from Deputy Secretary General (Policy) Datuk Azah Hanim Ahmad, and other KPKM officials.



Dr. Choomjet Karnjanakesorn, General Manager of the APTERR Secretariat, received a token from Datuk Azah Hanim Ahmad, Deputy Secretary General (Policy) of KPKM.



The discussion included updates on the current APTERR activities, Tier 3 pre-positioned programme, pre-cooked rice by Japan as well as Malaysia’s rice situation. The APTERR Secretariat emphasised the importance of Malaysia’s participation in this year’s Tier 3 pre-positioned programme, which aimed to ensure timely rice assistance in response to increasingly frequent and intense disasters. The participation would not only enhance Malaysia’s disaster management capacities but also serve as a positive example to encourage other APTERR members to broaden the use of the APTERR’s mechanisms in disaster preparedness.   



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Mr. Akinori Ando, Japanese Expert of the APTERR Secretariat, demonstrated how to cook the pre-cooked rice to the KPKM and MARDI officials.



The visit underscored efforts to foster regional cooperation and resilience against unanticipated calamities.



Photo credit: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of Malaysia





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