Asean Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve 

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On 26 May 2022, Mr. Toshiki Tojo, Japanese Expert of the APTERR Secretariat along with the APTERR Staff, visited C.P. Thai Rice Co., Ltd (Nakhon Luang Rice Mill) and the Local Rice Centre at Hua Wiang, Sena district, Ayutthaya province, Thailand.

The excursion began from the C.P. Thai Rice (Nakhon Luang Rice Mill) to enhance knowledge on the Thai rice business on site, including rice management, technology, production equipment and process, and domestic and international distribution. Afterwards, the APTERR Secretariat went to the Local Rice Centre and rice fields located in Hua Wiang, Sena district to exchange views on rice farming with the farmers and local officers as well as observe rice demonstration.





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